Article Folder

Liechtenstein Defeats Austria on Private Foundation Laws
Der Standard, 19. 06. 2013
Company with Unlimited Liability: Enhanced Responsiblity for Shareholders
Die Presse - Rechtspanorama, 01. 09. 2013
Money Back for Fooled Shareholders
Der Standard, 08. 06. 2011
Scholarship and Award Winners Trigger New Disclosure Obligations - Private Foundations: Directors' Responsibilities in the Combat of Money Laundering
Die Presse - Rechtspanorama, 16. 05. 2011
It goes without legal capitalization requirements - The British model does not harm creditor's interests and firms up stewardship responsibility
Der Standard, 04. 02. 2014
Ignorance of a problem – A statement on the Planned Abolishment of the Minister of Justice’ Authority to give directions
Die Presse, 16. 01. 2014
Private Foundation: Conflict of Interest in Dealings between a Subsidiary and a Board Member's Spouse
OGH 27. 02. 2013, 6 Ob 135/12i, GesRZ 2013, 32
Assets of the Private Foundation do not Form Part of the Founder's Estate
OGH 30. 05. 2012, 8 Ob 115/11m, PSR 2012, 128
Restriction to Appeal Ruling Granting Information from Private Foundation
OGH 16. 06. 2011, 6 Ob 82/11v, PSR 2011, 117
Grabbing on Bank Account Information in Estate Administration Procedures
NZ 2014, 1
Austria’s New Approach on Banking Secrecy and Tax Treaty Policy
Dartmouth Law Journal 2011, Fall Issue
The Austrian Private Foundation Judged by Panel of International Experts - Report on the 2nd Annual Conference of STEP Austria
PSR 2011, 203
Liability for Prospectus on the Secondary Market
ecolex 2011, 1096
Causation Requirement and "Market Sentiment" Regarding Civil Liability for Wrongful Capital Market Information
GeS 2011, 317
EU-Regulation allows Picking of Inheritance Law
Die Presse, 02. 02. 2015
What the new inheritance law brings about
Die Presse, 13. 04. 2015
Will the new inheritance law let us pass away peacefully?
Anwalt aktuell 04/2015
The decedent can pick the inheritance law
Die Presse, 17. 08. 2015
Removal of an Executor with Administrative Powers
OGH 23. 12. 2014, 1 Ob 233/14t, NZ 2015, 266
Inheritance law: No special treatment for private foundations
Der Standard, 02. 05. 2016
Limited inquisitorial principle in proceedings for estate separation
OGH 09. 09. 2015, 2 Ob 144/15p, iFamZ 2016/36
Appealability of interlocutory orders regarding the inventory procedure
OGH 12. 04. 2016, 2 Ob 55/15z, iFamZ 2016/259
Planning the last will on access to sensitive data
Die Presse, Apr 10, 2017
Rules limiting claw back on donations for forced heirship are held constitutional
VfGH 13. 12. 2016, G 572/2015, NZ 2016, 102
Deferred Settlement of an Forced Heirship Claim under the New Inheritance Law (ErbRÄG 2015) - Thoughts on How to Resolve a Purported Inconsistency between §§ 766 and 762 ABGB
NZ 2017, 441
Estate administration be adjourned upon insolvency
OGH 19. 12. 2016, 2 Ob 200/16z, iFamZ 2017, 115
Claw back on wealth transfer to private foundation on forced heirship claim
OGH 22. 03. 2018, 2 Ob 98/17a, NZ 2018, 184
Sonderausgabe Familien- und Erbrecht
Die Presse, 25. 10. 2018
Making gifts and marrying at the right time
Die Presse, 23. 11. 2020
A Testator may Discriminiate against Whom in a Last Will?
Der Standard, 20. 01. 2020
Life estate and fair market value of donations
OGH 25. 02. 2021, 2 Ob 124/20d, EF-Z 2021/79, 185
Inheritance of residential building - a poverty trap?
Die Presse, 8. 2. 2022
Gain of time to collect the enforced heirship claim
Die Presse, 1. 3. 2022
Donations in the event of death and farm inheritance law under the ErbRÄG 2015 Act–OGH 19. 9. 2023, 2 Ob 107/23h
OGH 19. 9. 2023, 2 Ob 107/23h, NZ 2023, 555
No Inheritance Loss due to Unworthiness for Property Crime against Estate
OGH 20. 2. 2024, 2 Ob 200/23k, EF-Z 2024, 131
Statute of Limitations for Inheritance Claims after the ErbRÄG 2015
EF-Z 2024/90